Dr. Jim Funai headshot

Dr. Jim Funai

Jim Funai, PhD, is a full-time faculty at Cuyahoga Community College, a NALP accredited Associate of Applied Science in Horticulture degree program. He has a PhD in Landscape Engineering and Forestry and is a Licensed Arborist.


Cuyahoga Community College

Sales Arborists - How Looking Down Can Increase Up-Sales 

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A discussion on maximizing your on-site time consulting with a client and how some quick, in-field measurements can lead to service up-sales focused on improving soil and thus tree health.

Chemical Dependency: A Soil Health Epidemic

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It is easy to fall into the chemical treatment loop when approaching turf and landscape ailments. Let's look at how preventative up-sales in soil health can reduce exposure to and dependence on chemicals and bring us closer to the Integrated Pest Management approach.