Chad Rigsby headshot

Chad Rigsby

Chad Rigsby is stationed at The Morton Arboretum’s Center for Tree Science as part of a partnership with The F.A. Bartlett Tree Expert Company. In his role at the Arboretum, Chad shares his valuable expertise in tree-insect biochemical, physiological, and ecological interactions; chemical ecology; and arboriculture and urban forestry.

Bartlett Tree Experts

Beech Leaf Disease

Start Date/Time:

End Date/Time:

The latest research on beech leaf disease will be discussed, with a focus on management.

Tree Biomechanics: Pruning, Cabling, and Bracing

Start Date/Time:

End Date/Time:

This talk will provide a brief overview of tree biomechanics, and will focus on strategies for mitigating risk through pruning, cabling, and bracing.