Redefining Winter

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There's nothing more rewarding than expanding your clients' use of their landscape. Whether it's exterior lighting, adding in a fire pit, or installing a new container garden. As an industry we focus heavily on the bonus time that hardscape elements add to the enjoyment and entertainment value of the landscape. What if those same concepts were applied to winter? From the white bark of birch trees to the golden hue of certain evergreens, there is a plethora of underused and underutilized plants and design techniques that you can use to redefine wintertime for you and your clients and create unique moments for them.

Expand your winter interest palette with a dozen of Matthew's favorite winter gems and see how best to integrate these designs into seasonal and permanent plantings.

Matthew Ross headshot

Matthew Ross

Matthew is the Executive Director of The Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park and former Director of Continuing Education at Longwood Gardens. He provides leadership to the emerging garden which is currently expanding its living collection, developing a Children’s Sensory Garden, a Native American Medicine Wheel, and a Foraging Meadow.

He has over 20 years of experience in the Landscape, Nursery, and Public Horticulture arena with expertise in design, education, and native plants. He passionately advocates for underutilized and underappreciated plants and expanding the palette for Michigan landscapes.

The Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park