Designing for Four Seasons

Start Date/Time:

End Date/Time:

Travel a full year through the landscape as Matthew shares techniques for ensuring successful seasonal plantings. From using different layers in design to finding plants with multiple seasons of interest, this program will have you rethink the way in which seasonal color is utilized in the landscape.

The lecture includes a hands-on design element where attendees will create a design for seasonal interest in a small residential backyard. No tools necessary as trace paper, base maps, and a drafting pen will be provided.

Matthew Ross headshot

Matthew Ross

Matthew is the Executive Director of The Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park and former Director of Continuing Education at Longwood Gardens. He provides leadership to the emerging garden which is currently expanding its living collection, developing a Children’s Sensory Garden, a Native American Medicine Wheel, and a Foraging Meadow.

He has over 20 years of experience in the Landscape, Nursery, and Public Horticulture arena with expertise in design, education, and native plants. He passionately advocates for underutilized and underappreciated plants and expanding the palette for Michigan landscapes.

The Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park